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Valorant - 2022
This project involves the creation of an engaging 3D promotional video for an online game. The objective is to showcase the excitement, action, and immersive gameplay experience of the game in a visually captivating manner. The video will highlight the intricately designed characters, their animations, and the special effects that contribute to the game's appeal.
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Create detailed 3D character designs that align with the game's art style and aesthetics. Model the characters with high-quality textures, ensuring that their appearance matches their roles in the game. Rig the 3D character models with skeletons to enable realistic movement. Animate characters with a range of actions, including combat moves, expressions, and interactions. Use motion-capture technology or hand-keyed animation techniques to bring characters to life.
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Plan and execute dynamic camera angles and movements to capture the action and showcase the game's features. Use cinematic techniques, such as close-ups, tracking shots, and sweeping panoramas, to create visual interest.

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Editing and Post-Production:

Edit the captured footage, animations, and effects into a seamless and engaging sequence. Fine-tune the timing, pacing, and transitions to maintain viewer engagement throughout the video.
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