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Nebo Film

Nebo - 2020
The horizons of human consciousness are so limitless that it would take a whole planet to contain its entire essence. Its landscape is the foundation, the mountains are subtle parallels, and the rivers are the hidden meaning. But initially the idea is what’s important. The idea makes a person move forward and create. An idea born thanks to a childhood dream is realized in an adult and becomes their philosophy. The philosophy of their life.
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The story of promo creation, which will show the interpretation of the advertising creation as a complex mechanism, was born from the first days of the company's existence. It is difficult to convey in words what it means to create a quality product. Sometimes it takes months to come up with the right idea for the project. What is even more challenging is turning the idea into a great work. We wanted to show the versatility of the processes of creating the advertisement itself, as indeed, "a complex mechanism should work like a clock." Opening the doors to the world of ideas and creativity, the right image needs to be found in order to catch viewer’s attention. The video itself experienced many looks, was altered and re-created. We were constantly improving it until the very release. We are looking forward to your assessment of our efforts.


We aspired to show the planet where our protagonist experiences emotions and in the end creates ideal shapes. We were inspired by the creative ideas of Somei sun, and its incredible videos for OPPO. Stunning locations and detailing of objects were the main aspects we wanted to focus on.
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